Lisa's Blog
Friday, March 31, 2023
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Bluebird Tales
Many of us include the Eastern Bluebird as a favorite, not just for its pleasing plumage and big black eyes but for its musical song and active insect hunting antics.
This season I started monitoring bluebird boxes at Seneca Lake State Park. It was a learning experience which started with my crash course in blue bird box monitoring with a local birder Dave Robertson who has been monitoring boxes at Montezuma for years. Training started with a fascinating show and tell of the items in his bag of bluebird monitoring tool kit. The following is a photo which displays some of the most important blue bird monitoring tools which I now have in my own
Bluebird tool kit.
1) mechanics mirror (my favorite) to view the nests safely without having to tilt the nest much
2) scraper for removing old nesting material from box in between nestings
3) oil for HOSP (house sparrows) eggs
4)Tangle Trap for kneeing ants out of nest box 5)screw driver for opening older boxes without easier access hardware
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When monitoring a box with an active nest, I was surprised by the aggressiveness of the bluebird parents. Being dive bombed by blue birds, a fraction of my size was not something I bargained for, and even more surprising was the fact that a small song bird bird could make me anxious enough to abort a mission a time or two!
I was saddened by what could happen when nest boxes are not monitored regularly. For example, during our crash course training session in June we opened one of the boxes to find it full of old nest material with an active nest on top. The nestlings in the box would have had no “head room” because the nest was so close to the top of the box. The nest was also crawling with ants. Having ants in the box would have made the nestlings uncomfortable at the least at dangerous to their survival at the worst. To solve these problems we used the trusty old paint scraper to remove much of the old nest material from the middle of the nest to the bottom of the box. We then applied tangle trap on the nest box pole. The next time I monitored I was happy to see there were no ants at all and seemingly happy nestlings with room to grow!
Though I’m not sure what happened during the early spring season, from June on we fledged 10 EABL and 12 TRES from our lake side boxes. Dave Robertson’s numbers for 54 nest boxes at Montezuma was 65 EABL, and 177 TRES! He averages about 4.75-5.1 birds per box which is something to reach and hope for with our lake side monitoring next season.
If you’d like to help bluebirds in New York State consider joining our Bluebird Society which has seen a decrease in membership in recent years and is calling out for people to join. They maintain two different blue bird trails in NYS which promote the numbers of EABL and other cavity nesters. They also have a great website with brilliant member submitted photos of birds throughout the nation and a nice newsletter for members to enjoy. Membership is a mere $10/year. Join by logging onto
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Honolulu’s Magnificent Le’Ahi (Diamond Head Crater)
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The view from Kapahulu Ave of Diamond Head |
If you want to enjoy Diamond Head while sipping a maitai or margarita, the best place to do it is from The Deck on the 3rd floor of the Queen Kapiolani Hotel or from the Hula bar which is one of the friendliest bars in Waikiki.
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An impressive view of this busy Oahu neighborhood |
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In the winter you may spot breaching humpback whal |
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The bunker lookouts are an impressive feature of the summit |
Diamond Head is not far from the center or Waikiki.The bus drops you off about a mile before the trail head and if you take the bus you have to walk along a narrow foot trail in the Kapahulu tunnel along with two lanes of traffic to get to the trailhead. In my opinion, avoid this tunnel. This is a good time to take an Uber or rent a car for the experience to be more enjoyable.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Special things about Oahu
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A Variety of Traditional Hawaain Poke |
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A meal in a bowl from Shirokoyo in the Ala Moana mall |
Nana's is another Yokocho market favorite of mine to get tea inspired food like this green tea ice cream with mochi and adzuki beans. If you prefer your ice cream to be a different color than green, cross Kalakaua St to get shave ice with a scoop of vanilla ice cream instead at the shave ice kiosk on the mall.
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Japanese inspired dessert at Nana's Green Tea |
"Why yes it is." (Well about ten years ago )
"Feel free to try to try our cookies and let me know if you have any questions!"
"I surely will!" (Can you tell me where the next store is so I can get more samples please??)
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Family Surf lesson near "locals beach" |

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Seal like spear fisherman rinse off at the beach |
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
New York City's Water Side
Bald Eagle on an Hudson River Ice Flow |
There is more to New York City than Times Square and Wall Street. As most people know, the city is comprised mostly of islands and although it might not be quite apparent while walking down the middle of 5th avenue with shops and tall buildings everywhere, look beyond all this and you will see the water. It is everywhere.
Open water is one of the reasons we see more eagles on the Hudson in the winter. Ships like the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Tug Wire keep the Hudson free of ice so that shipping can continue up and down its length in the winter time. This is good news for the bald eagles who come down from the north to fish along its shores.
Some ice however seems to be preferred by the Hudson Eagles, who might be considered a bit lazy at times. When they find some they like to sit on it and catch a ride!
Ruffled Feathered Hudson Eagle |
Seal Pup at Gateway |
Take good care and when you are in New York City don't forget to look out at the water...
You'll never know what you might see!
Humpback Whale on Long Island's South Shore |
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Amazing Winged Wonder Spotted Near The Narrows
A recent article with pics on a visiting Snowy Owl near us. They call this an irruption year as these birds are migrating more than usual; perhaps because food is scarce in the Arctic where they normally live.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hawaii June-July 2010
Kauai and Oahu....HAWAII Trip 2011
Its so easy to be in Hawaii..the weather is 75-85 every day no matter what season...the seas are warm and full of interesting creatures. There are so many water sports to try, along with some cool culture, including the song, dance and food. Whats not to like? I would like to plan a trip for the next or the following year....any takers? Let me know! Leave my a comment following this blog entry or give me a call!
Here are some highlights from this trip...thanks for reading!
I was fortunate enough to do two cool ocean paddles and a short river paddle. The first ocean paddle was a "test run" in Kauai on Hanalei Bay. I wanted to see what it was like to be in ocean swells before a long trip down the coast we were doing later that week. The swells on that day turned out to be no problem...they peaked at 5 feet or so but the waves didn't break on the kayak- we instead, we went right over the waves; pretty cool. During the paddle something even better happened. I saw splashes about 100 yards away and started to paddle in that direction. The splashes kept coming so I kept paddling that way. Eventually it was clear what was making the
The second paddle was a 18 miler down the famous "Na Pali" (translation "the cliffs") coast in Kauai. We did it with a guide and paddled with a group of 7. During the paddle we stopped for history lessons of the island (its been inhabited for thousands of years so there are lots of stories to tell).
Our guide looked so comfy on a kayak that my goal for the trip was to try to recreate his relaxed posture. Check him out below on the aft position on the tandem kayak.
There are three great thing about paddling in Hawaii; one is the intense blue color ...I am forever amazed at the hue...
The second thing is the all the cool creatures that may appear under or around your kayak; as we were launching a green sea turtle was also launching himself into deeper water!
The third thing that makes paddling great here is the ocean and air temperature. If you get wet its no big deal cause the temps are high enough that you don't feel uncomfortable.
On the way back from the trip we stopped for snacks at this unassuming smallish sized supermarket called Ishihara's.
In Oahu we stayed at the Royal Groove hotel...a funky old 6 story hotel amidst much larger real estate...
The only native birds in Hawaii are at high elevations where the mosquitos and other creatures can't get them. So at ground level you only see these aggressive and sometime annoying "city birds" - imports from other countries who have made a home there and overpopulated (Hmm...I see this could be read with some irony for the other mammals who visit stay and populate as well!) Anyway we visited the higher elevations of Koke'e' State Park in Kauai and spent a few days here hiking and birdwatching. The fortunate thing was the campground had several of the native trees where native birds like to hang out...the O'Hia Lehua tree..(pic to right).
One thing that has always impressed is Hawaii's spectacular eroded cliffs and sea views....the best pic I took was Waimea canyon (at the beginning of this blog entry...) This picture was taken on a mud trail called the Pihea trail (at left..I'm on the mud "steps") looking down to the place we kayaked on the coast...You often had to walk on the edges of this one as the grade in the middle was too great.
Some of the hiking trails we encountered were not so nice. They were well...unpredictable- muddy and in places not well maintained. At one point, along a cliff trail, we hiked a portion of the trail that was about 6 inches across. With a backpack in tow this seemed about 6" too narrow at least. Thank God the drop was only about 25 feet but we were on top of much higher cliffs so I don't know what would happen if you fell. The trail was listed as "easy" on the trail map. I'd add "terrifying" to the description!
I'll end here with a a few more of my favorite "view" pics from the trip.....and a few other misc pics I wanted to share.
Thanks for reading and looking! Mahalo (Hawaiian for Thank You) Hope to be with you in Waikiki!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Teaching school..a couple of long term back to day to day work which is ok with me...
Boat restoration is progressing....Ill write about that next....
W more interesting is a cool marsh restoration project managed by my friend Tony Luscombe across the bridge from me at Breezy Point in Queens and run by volunteers...the other day when I was there they were adding "enticing" sticks to the osprey platform (the birds preferred curved sticks believe it or not!) to entice the ospreys to nest..
In case you missed this is a link to Shervin (blog creator and volunteer extraordinaire) doing some marsh cleanup! Check it out..its great...
Untitled from Irene Roxanne on Vimeo.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Sheepshead Bay Music Video
Here's a cool video about the neighborhood I live in case you are interested...set to the music from "Penny Lane."
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Money Cat
The marina is bordered by a parking lot where there are a least a few feral cats running around at all times. There are old standards there...mainly male cats with some kind of medical problem with their eyes or with their fur. They look pretty rough and its easy to feel sorry for them (we have a guy in the neighborhood who cooks for these cats two times a day religiously).
Anyway a few weeks back I noticed a tortoiseshell colored cat hanging out near my boat a few days in a row. The second day I saw her I opened the door, called her, and in she came. The rest as they say, is history.
Her name is CC...(cool cat) She doesn't have a mean bone in her body - I've never actually met a cat like her. She's constantly on my lap cuddling, and she generally listens to me if I sho her away because she's doing something like stepping all over my computer keyboard. She's a big change from my last cat who, if you looked at the wrong way, would try to bite you.
In addition, I hear this tortoise coloration of cat is supposed to be good luck in many cultures. In the states they are sometime called a "money cat."
Here's a pic of "CC." No I'm not trying to use her to contact Mars... she just got neutered.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Some updated, cool summer photos

This one is of me and my friend Jean on the was a calm day; we didn't move too fast but had alot of laughs anyway... of all of the boats this has been the most fun this summer..if you want to come sailing, you're invited!! I'm a decent skipper so I'll take good care of you!
Thought there are too many building to successfully view the sunset in the evening, our morning sunrises are very nice. Here was the sunrise this morning.

Here's me in a hat from my favorite university...the school of hard knocks!
Remember to leave me a note after you visit this blog!
Thanks for visiting and keep in touch!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bloggin Butterflies
I had two parsley plants and several basil growing in pots outside for the last few weeks.
The basil was growing wonderfully, as you can see - I had already made a couple of batches of pesto out of it, but something was wrong with the parsley; it was yellow and dying. Since I don't have a green thumb and know I can get parsley for next to nothing at the store I wasn't too concerned.
A few days later my neighbor Joe, who pays much more attention to the plants then I do (he thinks next to nothing is not cheap enough to buy more parsley) told me there was a caterpillar on the parsley plant. When I looked there was a striped caterpillar and was left of the second parsley plant...absolutely nothing (you can see from the picture above) but the last piece of stem he was crunching on !
For someone that travels far and wide to look at butterflies hoping to catch a glimpse of them or their caterpillars, this was great news! The caterpillars were of the black swallowtail of our most beautiful butterflies. The caterpillars are striped and I discovered that when you touch them these little red velvet-like antennae emerge as if to say..."hey keep your hands off..we just met." What was best about this whole thing was that I didn't have to travel anywhere to see them but right outside my door and so far it only cost me 2 parsley plants!
Off to the store I went to buy some more parsley for them to feed on (purchased for next to nothing at the store). When I came back one was crawling on the boat hull and the other had fallen into the water (I guess they were searching for someone else's garden to feed on). I rescued them, put them in a container with some more parsley and some sticks on which I hope they spin their Chrysalises. I'll keep you appraised of their progress!

Update: One chrysallis spun while I was making pesto out of what was left of the garden...! In 2-3 weeks we should have a swallowtail!

Monday, March 2, 2009
Bloggable Chicken Parm

My friend Danny had me over for dinner this evening. Danny who is of Indian and Jewish decent excels at cooking Italian food.
Tonight he made Chicken Parmesan "Why its called Chicken Parmesan," he said, "I can't figure out since its usually served with mozzarella." Maybe his clear thinking on subjects like these is what helps create the great results he achieves with his Italian cooking.
Seeing and tasting this food sure was a nice experience, and created an interesting reaction from me, one I though was worthy of this blog.
The way the food looked was the first thing I noticed. Since he doesn't add cloves of garlic, but bulbs of it (is this the word?, know the entire bunch of cloves!) you can see the pieces, cut nicely small. when you eat it. The sauce cooks for more than an hour and since he uses crushed tomatoes, it has a nice thick consistency.
Under the sauce (which doesn't fall off the chicken but sits on top), the chicken is nicely browned and asymmetrical. It looks like a piece of chicken should look. Nice presentation.
More secret ingredients? Well I won't publish them here. But if you want them, ask me and I think he'll let me give them to you.
Here comes the part about the thoughts that went through my mind when eating it.....
First I started consuming it like I hadn't eaten for years. I felt like a dog with a bone. Anyone that came within a few feet of me was in danger of losing their life.
After consuming about 1/4 of it I realized I better slow down or else it would be gone before I had a real chance to enjoy it. I started eating more slowly, savoring each biteful.
When reaching the end I felt disappointed and when completely finished, I made sobbing noises because I was genuinely sorry it was gone.
No one likes to see a girl cry and happily he sent me home with two extra pieces.
I hope they make it through the night!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Houseboat Living Revised
Living: Life on the houseboat is easy. The boat doesn't require any special maintenance or skill. It is fully heated with A/C in the summertime so it is comfortable all year round.

There is a fully working bathroom with shower, a galley or

THE "HOOD"The boat is in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn.
It is accessible by the B or Q trains. The local B4 bus stops right across the street and will get you to the train station in about 10 minutes. Midtown is about a 45 min train ride. You can also access the 2 and 5 trains via the B44 bus that stops across the street.
Here is a link to a silly new video about Sheepsheads Bay.
Here is some more information from
Adjoining neighborhoods are Gerrtisen Beach, Manhattan and Brighton Beaches. To the south we have Rockaway Beach, Fort Tilden and Riis park.
What's to do? I have a kayak and a bike you can use if you'd like. There are many beaches nearby; Rockaway Beach, Fort Tilden and Riis park are accessible via a bike path across from the dock or a short 15 minute car ride away.
We have a little Russia, Chinatown, etc close by. The food is always good!

These noodles are from the local china town on Avenue U. Delectable!
This chicken souvlaki plate is from El Greco dinner at Emmons and Sheepshead Bay Rd...a tremendous amount of food for about ten bucks!
Ammenities: Currently we have dish tv and a high speed wireless internet connection. You will be very comfortable here.
There is ample off street parking and a 8 foot security fence which requires a key to get in.
This is a quiet area with considerate neighbors. Some are year round residents but some are only here in the summertime.
Local wildlife: see pics.....with lots more around!