Anyway as I struggle to find time to do everything I want to do I still get frustrated with people who I know also have the same struggle who I don't hear from or see enough. I want to say I acknowledge your struggle.
I've found this fable you may have not heard before that may help us all to find a way to fit it all in.
For this fable you need to imagine rocks, pebbles, and sand, and how they might all fit into a jar.
Associate the most important things in your life, your partner, your family, your health, your children, things you cannot very well do without, to rocks....(not rock heads - just rocks)
Then imagine putting these rocks into a jar.
Now think of pebbles. These represent your car, your job, your house, etc....Fit these into the jar...imagine how well they fit around those big rocks.
Everything else...the errands you need to run, the argument you need to have with your partner or your child, these things are sand....these are the small things. Pour these over the rocks and the pebbles...everything fits quite well right?
Now it you added these things in an order opposite to the one above,,,with the sand first, then the pebbles, then the rocks, into the jar,,,the rocks just wouldn't fit.
So remember to put the rocks, the most important things in first, and everything else will fit nicely.
OK enough teaching...don't worry I won't also turn you into my students...I put this story here mainly to remind myself of it, and so I can get it off my fridge!!
My next entry will be my Hawaii trip with some awesome pictures.
Ah I hate to mention this. But I had colds every fall and winter. The I retired from the classroom five year ago and haven't had a cold since. Middle school was a lot worse in that respect than my previous exposures in high school. Something about covering you cough and using a hankie.
I'm 2 for 2 with colds for every long sub job I've taken...right now I'm nursing my second one. Gotta remember the hand sanitizer, etc...Thanks for your comment...where do you bird most often? I'm in NYC and love the shore birds in the spring and summer. We have nesting plovers, skimmers and terns. Nature in the city!
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